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Recreation is Tustin Girls Softball's main program. Players register and are formed into teams. All girls ages 4.5 to 14 years old are eligible to play.

Recreation means:

  • Every player in 6U-14U registered by deadline will get placed on a team (should TGS acquire the necessary parent-volunteer coaches).
  • Every player is guaranteed playing time.
  • Games are played locally or in neighboring cities.  At the younger ages, most teams play in Tustin.  In the older divisions, teams will travel. 
  • Costs are low.  The total cost for insurance, uniforms, pictures, trophies, field maintenance, umpire fees, and overhead is paid with one registration fee each season with a small additional payment to your team parent for items such as socks, a team banner, hair bows, and your team party. There are no reoccurring monthly dues.
  • No Paid Trainers.  Recreation teams are coached by parent volunteers.  (TGS and USA Softball provides training.)


  • Registration for Spring begins in October and ends in early January.
  • Teams are formed in January and practice typically begins in late January.
  • The season is kicked off at our Opening Day with a parade of teams.
  • Games typically begin the last Saturday of February. Weather permitting, we play a 10-week season with up to 20 games.
  • Games are played during the week and on weekends.



  • Registration begins in May and ends in July.
  • Teams are formed in early August.
  • Practice begins no sooner than August 15th.
  • Games begin the weekend after labor day and typically are a smaller amount of games than the spring season.
  • Games are played on weekends only and may be double headers in the 10U, 12U, and 14U divisions.
  • There are tournament opportunities.